Meg Young Maia Midwifery
ABN: 24 306 181 704
AHPRA: NMW0001526768
Medicare Provider No: 6415511J

My Story
I was inspired to become a midwife after the most amazing experiences having my own babies. My first two children were born in a tertiary hospital with fractured, inconsistent care. My third and fourth children were born in a Birthing Centre under the care of known midwives and the difference in care was like night and day. I had always had an interest in pregnancy and birth and loved all things baby, but it was the outstanding care I received from those midwives at the Birth Centre that really solidified what I wanted to do.
I have been a midwife for 13 years, with 10 of those years working in a Caseload Model of Care, providing public funded Homebirth. This is where my passion lies, in working alongside women to achieve the birth they know their bodies are built to do.
I learned quickly that Midwifery is not simply all about babies but is about the relationship and trust that is nurtured and grown with the woman during her pregnancy. I feel such privilege to bear witness to a woman’s passage to motherhood and assist her to find her innate birthing wisdom.
I am committed to offering respectful, evidence-based and excellent care that enables women to make fully informed choices and experience the best possible outcomes.
When I began my journey to becoming a midwife, it was always my long-held desire and intention to become a private practice midwife and truly experience the autonomy and independence that it provides and to truly work in partnership with women. I am thrilled now to be exactly where I always wanted to be.
I also hold a strong interest in and have trained in assisting women using hypnosis techniques for childbirth and have seen the benefits of it time and again.
Work Experience
2010-2011 – Graduate Registered Midwife, Casey Hospital Monash Health
2011-2012 – Registered Caseload Midwife, Casey Hospital Monash Health. Providing continuity of care across the full scope of practice.
2012-2021 – Registered Midwife/Clinical Midwife Specialist – Caseload Midwife - Homebirth Midwife – Casey Hospital Monash Health. Providing continuity of care across the full scope of practice, including public funded homebirth.
2022 – Endorsed private practice Midwife​
2006 – Box Hill Institute of TAFE -Certificate IV in Science
2007 – 2009 - Victoria University – Bachelor of Midwifery
2022 – Griffith University – Prescribing for Midwives
Meg Young
Maia Midwifery
Pakenham, VIC
Mobile: 0425 245 874
Website: www.maiamidwifery.com.au